Statement by India  at the 103rd IOM Council after the Adoption of the Draft Resolution titled Funding of the Core Structure,delivered by Mr. B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative, 28 November 2013 Statement by India at the 103rd IOM Council after the Adoption of the Draft Resolution titled Fundi..

Statement by India at the 103rd IOM Council after the Adoption of the Draft Resolution titled Funding of the Core Structure,delivered by Mr. B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative, 28 November 2013


 103rd International Organisation for Migration Council

[26-29 November, 2013]


Agenda Item 10: Report on matters discussed by the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance


Statement by India after the Adoption of the Draft Resolution titled   “Funding of the Core Structure”


Mr. Chairman,


 Our statement is with regard to the adoption of the draft resolution No. MC/L/1228 titled ‘Funding of the Core Structure’, circulated earlier as Annex-I of document No.MC/2389, and adopted by the Council today. 


2.      We joined consensus while adopting this resolution, despite our reservations on moving away from the Zero Nominal Growth and increasing the annual assessed contribution by 4% each year over the next three years i.e. 2014 to 2016.


3.      We would, however, like to make following observations in this context:


(i)             In the backdrop of a sustained global economic crisis, when we are seeing budget cuts across all international organisations, we note that an exception has been made for IOM.


(ii)            The simultaneous alignment of IOM with UN scale of assessment from next year, that place some countries, including India, in a situation wherein there is a significant increase in their contribution starting from 2014.   As regards India, it would entail 17% increase in its assessed contribution starting from next year i.e. 2014.  An additional 4% increase coming from this resolutionwould cause additional financial burden on India.


(iii)          We recognize the efforts of the Director General and his able team for continuously seeking to improve Organization’s efficiency, thus leading to better utilization of the available resources in diverse field operations. While we are conscious of the financial challenges facing the organization, there is a need, in our view, for the IOM to exercise prudence and bear in mind the resource constraints, while embarking on activities that are not strictly within its mandate. We would like the Organization to keep its focus on international migrants and their welfare.


4.      Having said the above, we wish to place on record our sincere appreciation to the Distinguished Chair of the Working Group on Budget Reform, Ambassador of Belgium, for his sustained efforts for effecting reforms in IOM’s budget.


Thank you.

