313th Session of the Governing Body of International  Labour Organization (15-30 March 2012) Tribute to Mr Juan Somavia, Director-General of ILO 313th Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization (15-30 March 2012) Tribute..



Permanent Mission of India

313th Session of the Governing Body of International  Labour Organization
(15-30 March 2012)
Tribute to Mr Juan Somavia, Director-General of ILO

Statement by Head of Indian delegation


1.       It is both a privilege and pleasure for me today  to have the opportunity to say a few words about  the distinguished Director-General , whose unfailing dedication to the organization has ensured the achievement of both States and ILO’s objectives through the process of constructive dialogue and cooperation. 


2.       The vast diplomatic  experience  that the distinguished Director-General brought to his present office, from the Permanent Mission of Chile to ECOSOC, including President of the Security Council from April 1996 to October 1997 is reflected  in the many initiatives  that are bearing fruit in ILO, especially in development cooperation, social dimensions of employment and the Decent Work agenda. 


3.       Government of India’s engagement with the distinguished Director-General has always been dynamic, constructive  and cooperative in nature.



