Statement by India at the 10th session of WIPO Committee on Development and IP (CDIP) delivered by Smt. Alpana Dubey, First Secretary (Economic) on 12 November, 2012 Statement by India at the 10th session of WIPO Committee on Development and IP (CDIP) delivered by S..

Statement by India at the 10th session of WIPO Committee on Development and IP (CDIP) delivered by Smt. Alpana Dubey, First Secretary (Economic) on 12 November, 2012




 Thank you Mr. Chairman,


 We are pleased to see you presiding over this important Committee, and express our support in your able leadership of this Committee.

At the outset, we wish to align ourselves with the statements made by the distinguished delegate of Brazil on behalf of Development Agenda Group, and Sri Lanka on behalf of Asian Group. We also wish to thank the Director General and the Secretariat for their hard work and sincere efforts in preparing for this session.

We also note with satisfaction that the progress reports on ongoing projects of the Development Agenda Recommendations under implementation. We are happy to note that for effective implementation of WIPO’s Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program, which facilitates access to scientific and technical journals, the eTISC platform and re-designed TISC website will be launched by end of 2012. Regarding the proposal for the WIPO Academy to monitor and assist “Start-Up” National IP Academies for the first two years after the end of the cooperation period under the project, we would like to note that it WIPO Academy should report to every session of the CDIP on the monitoring and assistance provided by it to these institutions. The project will focus on further enhancing the work planning and work plan monitoring for 2013, as well as strengthening organizational performance assessment and evaluation through the development of robust performance data collection mechanisms, including at the country level. We also appreciate the progress of the Project on Enhancement of WIPO’s Results-Based Management (RBM) Framework to Support the Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Activities.


An effective coordination mechanism for monitoring, assessing and reporting on the implementation of the Development Agenda, as mandated by the General Assembly, is one of the key issues of this Committee. The aim of development agenda is to ensure that development considerations form an integral part of WIPOs works and the coordination mechanism should promote it. We are encouraged by the progress made in past years in this direction and hope to improve upon it with consensus in this session. We would like to reiterate our view that the Program and Budget Committee and the Committee on WIPO Standards should be considered, by all Member States, relevant bodies in the context of the implementation of the DA Recommendations.


Regarding the joint proposal from the DAG, the African Group, and Bolivia (Document CDIP/9/16) on WIPO’s technical assistance in the area of cooperation for Development, based on the recommendations that were made by the External Review Report on WIPO Technical Assistance, we support effective follow-up action. 


Under the new agenda item entitled “IP and development-related issues” sufficient time should be allocated for discussing matters under it. In this connection, we also recognize the need for adequate preparation and planning for the proposed Conference on IP and development next year, while taking note of the proposals submitted by the DAG and African Group for discussion during this session.


I thank you, Mr. Chairman.


