Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January 2025): 4th UPR of Madagaskar, delivered by Ms. Anupama Singh, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025 Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January..

Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January 2025): 4th UPR of Madagaskar, delivered by Ms. Anupama Singh, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025

Statement by India at the 48th Session of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group: 4th UPR of Madagascar, delivered by Ms. Anupama Singh, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025

Mr. President,

India warmly welcomes the distinguished delegation of Madagascar and thanks it for presenting a comprehensive National Report.

  1. We commend the progress made by Madagascar since its third UPR and the significant efforts made for strengthening its national human rights promotion and protection system.
  1. We also welcome Madagascar’s legislative progress and reforms including combating human trafficking and gender-based violence, safeguarding child rights and enhancing press’ freedom. We also appreciate the establishment of an Independent National Human Rights Commission for the protection of human rights.
  1. In the spirit of constructive dialogue, India recommends the following to Madagascar:
  1. Continue its efforts to promote gender equity through legislative process,
  2. Strengthen policies to combat child labour and to enhance child’s access to education, health and social protection,
  3. Continue its efforts to strengthen universal health coverage, while taking into account the needs of vulnerable groups.
  1. We wish Madagascar every success and the very best in its continued efforts.

Thank you, Mr. President.