Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January 2025): 4th UPR of Iraq, delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025 Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January..

Statement by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January 2025): 4th UPR of Iraq, delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025

Intervention by India at the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20-31 January 2025): 4th UPR of Iraq, delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 27 January 2025

Mr. President,

India welcomes the delegation of Iraq and appreciates efforts made by the Government of Iraq in implementation of the recommendations made during the 3rd cycle of the UPR, which include adoption of legislative provisions related to Health Insurance, Retirement and Social Security, Legal Aid and Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

  1. India also appreciates efforts by the Government of Iraq in adoption of National Strategies in early childhood, education and for Iraqi women, and looks forward for their fruitful implementation.
  1. In the spirit of constructive dialogue, India recommends the following to Iraq:

First, take further steps aimed at protecting, restoring, and rehabilitating the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of all communities in Iraq.

Second, continue its efforts in empowering women in decision making and financial sectors, through greater political participation and improvement in access to education.

And third, take steps to improve maternal and child health indicators by improving access to affordable maternal health care, sanitation and adequate nutrition to women in rural and remote areas.

  1. We wish all success to Iraq.

Thank you, Mr. President.