Closing Statement by India during Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources
Geneva, 24th May 2024 Closing Statement by India during Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowled..

Closing Statement by India during Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources Geneva, 24th May 2024

Closing Statement by India during Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources
Geneva, 24th May 2024


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the President and Vice Presidents of the Conference and all office bearers including President of Main Committee 1, 2 and of the drafting committee for their relentless pursuit and efforts in achieving a successful and balanced outcome at this Diplomatic conference. We would also like to place on record our appreciation for the Director General and his entire team for the meticulous preparations, organisation and conduct of this Diplomatic conference following the most balanced and inclusive process possible over the course of the past 2 weeks. We would also like to acknowledge the work and efforts of all the IGC office bearers and experts who have devoted many years of their professional lives to take this process to a successful conclusion and also of the former IGC chair under whose authorship the basic text propose for the DC was prepared.

2. The culmination of this process to conclude an international legal treaty for protection of Intellectual property, genetic resources and associated TK marks a historic milestone in our collective efforts to safeguard genetic resources and the associated traditional knowledge within the IP and multilateral system.


3. India, a nation rich in biodiversity and cultural heritage, has long recognized the intrinsic value of genetic resources and traditional knowledge. These resources not only hold scientific and economic importance but also embody the spiritual and cultural essence of our communities.


4. Throughout this conference, all delegations have engaged in robust discussions, exchanged diverse perspectives, and negotiated in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. The draft international treaty reflects our shared commitment to creating a balanced and equitable framework that respects the rights and interests of all stakeholders.

5. We acknowledge the challenges that remain and the nuances that need careful consideration. However, the progress made here signifies our collective resolve to address these complexities with a pragmatic and inclusive approach. Let us continue to build on the foundations laid here, transforming our commitments into tangible actions that benefit present and future generations.


I thank you Mr President.