Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the Trafficking at the 56th Session of Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024), delivered by Ms. Suman Sonkar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to UN,  Geneva, 26 June 2024

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the Traffick..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the Trafficking at the 56th Session of Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024), delivered by Ms. Suman Sonkar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to UN, Geneva, 26 June 2024

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the Trafficking at the 56th Session of Human Rights Council (18 June – 12 July 2024), delivered by Ms. Suman Sonkar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to UN,Geneva, 26 June 2024


Mr. Vice President,

  1. We thank the Special Rapporteur for presenting the comprehensive report on trafficking, and ways to combat this grave human rights violation. 

  2. India has implemented several measures to address trafficking, focusing on prevention, protection, and prosecution. We have strengthened our legal framework to provide greater protection for victims by amending the Indian Penal Code to increase the penalties for traffickers. Our Ministry of Home Affairs has established Anti-Human Trafficking Units (AHTUs) across the country, which play a crucial role in the identification, rescue, and rehabilitation of trafficking victims.

  3. Committed to international cooperation on this important issue, India is a signatory to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. We have also entered into bilateral agreements with our neighbouring countries to facilitate information sharing and joint operations.

  4. We prioritise the rehabilitation and reintegration of trafficking survivors through various schemes like Ujjawala that provide shelter, food, clothing, legal aid, counselling, education, and vocational training to victims and their children. 

    Mr. Vice President,

  5. We reaffirm our commitment to working with international partners to address trafficking and ensure the protection and dignity of all individuals, particularly vulnerable women and children, in alignment with global human rights standards.

I thank you.