General Statement by India in the 22nd Session of Inter-Governmental Working Group on Effective Implementation of Durban Declaration and Programme for Action (20 -24 May 2024) delivered by Mr. K.S. Mohammed Hussain, First Secretary (Legal), Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, on Monday 20 May 2024 General Statement by India in the 22nd Session of Inter-Governmental Working Group on Effective Impl..

General Statement by India in the 22nd Session of Inter-Governmental Working Group on Effective Implementation of Durban Declaration and Programme for Action (20 -24 May 2024) delivered by Mr. K.S. Mohammed Hussain, First Secretary (Legal), Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, on Monday 20 May 2024

General Statement by India in the 22nd Session of Inter-Governmental Working Group on Effective Implementation of Durban Declaration and Programme for Action (20 -24 May 2024) delivered by Mr. K.S. Mohammed Hussain, First Secretary (Legal), Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, on Monday 20 May 2024

Mr. Chair,

  1. 1. We would like to join other delegations in congratulating you on your election as the Chair-Rapporteur of this important session of the Inter-Governmental Working Group.

Mr. Chair,

  1. 2. India strongly condemns racism and racial discrimination in all its forms and manifestations. The notion of racial superiority was at the bedrock of colonialism. Millions suffered from it and bore the brunt of inhuman, violent and degrading treatment. It also marked the advent of the peaceful mass movement pioneered by Mahatma Gandhi, who began his fight against colonialism with the struggle against racial discrimination in South Africa.

  2. 3. Respect for and celebration of diversity has been the guiding principle of multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual India. At the time of gaining our independence, India ensured that there are adequate safeguards in our Constitution itself against racism and racial discrimination, such as in Article 14 which states that the principle of equality cannot be denied, and Article 15 which expressly prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race.

Mr. Chair,

  1. 4. The Durban Declaration and Programme for Action was a reminder to the world that the challenges of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance were far from over. India firmly believes that the most definitive guarantee against racial prejudices and discrimination is nurturing of democracy and pluralism with the inculcation of the values of tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity.

  2. 5. International cooperation and complementary domestic action is necessary to effectively to implement the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the DDPA to realize inclusive growth envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Mr. Chair,

  1. 6. We express our firm commitment to the work of the Intergovernmental Working Group and look forward to the constructive discussions on the draft Declaration on the promotion and full respect of the human rights of people of African descent, in the coming days.

I thank you.