Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief  (SR’s report on Hatred on the basis of religion or belief) during the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb – 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, MEA New Delhi, Geneva, 5 March 2024 Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief (SR’s report on Hatred on the basis of religion or belief) during the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb – 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, MEA New Delhi, Geneva, 5 March 2024

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief (SRs report on Hatred on the basis of religion or belief) during the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb – 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, MEA New Delhi

Geneva, 5 March 2024

 Mr. Vice-President,

We take note of the Special Rapporteur’s Report and the recommendations made therein.

  1. India firmly rejects all forms of religious intolerance and all acts of religious hatred, discrimination, and violence. 
  1. India is home to almost all the religions of the world. The Constitution of India protects freedom of religion and conscience, and the right of all individuals to freely profess, practice and propagate religion. The anti-discrimination framework embodied in the Constitution of India has dynamically evolved over the years through robust legislations and progressive interpretation by the Courts. 
  1. For example, a range of legislations have been enacted to protect freedom of religion and punish offenses such as incitement of enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, committing a deliberate and malicious act to outrage the religious feelings, or acts prejudicial to maintaining national integration and harmony.
  1. There are adequate safeguards and reasonable restrictions to curb hate speech, both online and offline. The Government has issued advisories in this regard. The Supreme Court of India has directed the law enforcement agencies to take immediate suo-moto cognizance of hate speech and proceed against the offenders in accordance with law.

 Mr Vice-President

  1. In conclusion, India reiterates its commitment to recognize and combat instances of intolerance, prejudice, phobia, and violence against followers of all religions.

I thank you.