Statement by Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs, Government of India, at the High-Level Segment of the 
55th Session of the Human Rights Council (26 February – 5 April 2024)
(Geneva, 26 February 2024)
Statement by Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs, Government of Indi..

Statement by Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs, Government of India, at the High-Level Segment of the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council (26 February – 5 April 2024) (Geneva, 26 February 2024)

Statement by Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs, Government of India, at the High-Level Segment of the

55th Session of the Human Rights Council (26 February – 5 April 2024)

(Geneva, 26 February 2024)


Mr. President,

1.       Let me begin by congratulating you on your election as the President of the Council.  I assure you of my delegation's full support and cooperation to you, the Office of the High Commissioner, and all mechanisms of the Council. India remains committed to working with Council members and observers for promotion and protection of all human rights.

2.       India's approach to human rights is rooted in our democratic principles and pluralistic ethos. Our Constitution guarantees protection of civil and political rights and provides for progressive realization of economic, social, and cultural rights. Our society and polity are anchored by our institutional strengths of an independent judiciary, robust media, and vibrant civil society. These values have continued to inform India's policies, domestically and globally. And therefore, I believe, we have much to contribute.

Mr. President,

3.       2024 is an important year for India's democracy, with nearly 960 million voters gearing up to exercise their right to vote. This is not merely a political exercise but a celebration of democracy, a festival where every voice resonates, and every vote counts. In a world where the principles of democracy are constantly tested, India stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, showcasing the power of the people to shape their collective future.

4.       The multiple crises facing the world have highlighted the glaring global inequities. Naturally then, it was with a sense of exceptional responsibility that we took up G20's Presidency last year. On India's initiative, the African Union became a permanent member of the G20. The G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration put forth solutions on a range of domains such as digital public infrastructure, climate action, reforming international financial institutions, women-led development, education, AI, to name a few.

5.       As the world's most populous nation and fifth largest economy, India always stands ready to share our experiences and expertise with those who wish to benefit from it. Our development cooperation, which spans the globe, is guided by the priorities of our partners; creates local capacities; and adheres to fiscal responsibility and transparency. India has been at the forefront of lending a helping hand when it is most needed. We demonstrated this during the Covid pandemic, also as first responders in disaster emergencies like in Turkiye and Syria last year, and when Sri Lanka experienced a severe economic crisis.

6.       Under Prime Minister Modi's vision of inclusive development with everyone's participation, trust and contribution, India is firm in its resolve to ensuring a life of dignity for our people. With our priority to gender empowerment, in a recent pathbreaking legislation one-third seats were reserved for women in our legislatures. Our rapid progress in meeting SDG targets, financial inclusion and democratization of technology will be of help to other countries on a similar journey. We have, thus, taken a lead to forge partnerships such as International Solar Alliance, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, the Global Biofuel Alliance, and promoted initiatives such as the International Year of Millets, to help countries address the challenges of climate change and food security.

Mr. President,

7.       The conflict in Gaza is of great concern to us all. The humanitarian crises arising from conflicts require a sustainable solution that gives immediate relief to those most affected. At the same time, we must be clear that terrorism and hostage taking are unacceptable. It also goes without saying that international humanitarian law must always be respected. It is vital that the conflict does not spread within or beyond the region. And efforts must also focus on seeking a two-state solution where Palestinian people can live within secure borders.

8.       Let me recall what Indian civilizational thought has always emphasized, Mr. President, that the world shares One Earth, we are One Family, and we have One Future. Both as a motivating vision and as a call for action, this Indian approach is one of recognizing that we are defined more by how much we are alike than by our differences; that the many are impacted by the choices made by even a few; and that this interconnectedness means that genuine dialogue as the only way to find solutions is not just an imperative, but in fact, inevitable. It is, therefore, in our collective interest - and responsibility - to work together in the UN and outside, to find lasting solutions to geopolitical challenges. For this to happen, it is vital that we first recognize that for multilateralism to be credible, effective and responsive, it is now high time to reform outdated structures and fix systemic flaws, and urgently make multilateral frameworks fit for purpose, reflecting current global realities.

Mr. President,

9.       Let me conclude by reaffirming India's steadfast commitment to global promotion and protection of human rights and to their enjoyment by our people.

Thank you, Namaskar.