Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Tuvalu at the 55th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-5 April 2024) delivered by Dr. PR Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva, 25 March 2024 Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Tuvalu at the 55th Session of Hu..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Tuvalu at the 55th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-5 April 2024) delivered by Dr. PR Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva, 25 March 2024

Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Tuvalu at the 55th Session of Human Rights Council (26 February-5 April 2024) delivered by Dr. PR Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva, 25 March 2024

Mr. President,

India warmly welcomes the delegation of Tuvalu for the adoption of the report of the Working Group on its 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review held on 8 November 2023.

2. The review saw substantive and constructive participation with 56 delegations taking the floor and making a total of 167 recommendations. We appreciate the constructive engagement of the delegation of Tuvalu during the review, which reflects their commitment to the UPR process.

3. India expresses appreciation for the engagement of Tuvalu with various human rights mechanisms. This is also reflected in their accepting 84 recommendations in their 4th UPR.

4. While recommending the adoption of their UPR report, we wish Tuvalu success in their efforts to implement the accepted recommendations.

I thank you.