Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders at the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb - 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Geneva, 12 March 2024 Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situa..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders at the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb - 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Geneva, 12 March 2024

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders at the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council (26 Feb - 5 Apr 2024), delivered by Mr. Gaurav Kumar Thakur, Counsellor, Geneva, 12 March 2024

 Thank you Mr. Vice President,

1.  India fully appreciates the important role played by human rights defenders, including whistle blowers and activists, in our dynamic and constantly thriving democratic polity, contributing to its open, pluralistic, and inclusive framework. These are backed by fiercely independent institutions, including a robust judiciary. We have always condemned instances of harassment or intimidation against them or their family members.

2.  India’s National Human Rights Commission is empowered to take suo moto cognizance of cases of alleged human rights violations, including a dedicated 24x7 focal point for receiving and examining complaints of human rights defenders. Human rights defenders can also approach the judiciary for redressal of any alleged violations.

3.  Regrettably, one country that practices enforced disappearances of its own nationals, including human rights defenders, as a state policy has once again decided to misuse this platform to peddle its false and baseless propaganda.

Mr. Vice President,

4.  We are committed to ensuring a safe environment for people engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights. At the same time, we believe that their activities must be in conformity with all the laws of the land, as all citizens are equal before the law. In this context, we note with surprise that the SR has chosen to selectively mention a particular case in India in her presentation, which, as she acknowledged, is being addressed by our judiciary as per our laws.

 I thank you.