Statement by India under Agenda Item 10 :Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the way forward to improve technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights at the 53rdSession of Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 11 July 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 10 :Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Com..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 10 :Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the way forward to improve technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights at the 53rdSession of Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 11 July 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 10 : Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on the way forward to improve technical cooperation and capacity-building in the field of human rights at the 53 rd Session of Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India,Geneva, 11 July 2023

Mr. Vice-President,

We thank the High Commissioner for his report and take due note of its recommendations.

2. We agree that technical assistance and capacity-building by the OHCHR plays a significant role in achieving SDGs and contributing to the promotion and protection of human rights. We welcome the different examples of cooperation between OHCHR and Member States in this regard. We also recognize the need for increasing the Office’s funding to adequately respond to the demands for support by Member States.

Mr. Vice-President,

3. We strongly believe that greater emphasis needs to be placed on the Council’s measures for technical assistance and capacity-building, in consultation with and with the consent of the concerned States, for improving the human rights situation on the ground. We have been contributing to the Voluntary Funds for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights and for Financial and Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the UPR as well as Voluntary Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Support the Participation of LDCs and SIDS in the work of the Human Rights Council. Therefore, we also co-sponsored the resolution 51/34.

4. As we mark the 75 th anniversary of the adoption of the UDHR and the 30 th anniversary of the adoption of the VDPA this year, we must reflect on the Council’s work under this agenda item to ensure that its sanctity is maintained and its misuse, under any pretext, is avoided. It is imperative that we remain mindful of the Council's mandate and accord due respect to the work undertaken by other specialised bodies under the UN system.

I thank you.