Statement by India at Panel Discussion on the Role of Digital Media and Information Literacy in the Promotion and Enjoyment of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression at the 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, Monday 3 July 2023 Statement by India at Panel Discussion on the Role of Digital Media and Information Literacy in the ..

Statement by India at Panel Discussion on the Role of Digital Media and Information Literacy in the Promotion and Enjoyment of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression at the 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, Monday 3 July 2023

Statement by India at Panel Discussion on the Role of Digital Media and Information Literacy in the Promotion and Enjoyment of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression at the 53 rd Session of the Human Rights Council (19 June - 14 July 2023) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, Monday 3 July 2023

Mr. President,

1. We thank the panelists for their insightful presentations. The full version of the statement will be uploaded on extranet.

2. The rapid evolution of digital technologies in the past two decades has greatly impacted societies around the world, unlocking unprecedented benefits, opportunities and solutions to socioeconomic challenges, particularly in developing countries.

3. However, there are also serious challenges such as the digital divide,digital gender gaps, online hate speech, spread of misinformation, cyber security, data theft, and illegal and malicious use of data and cyber governance, all of which impact the enjoyment of human rights, including the right to free speech. The widening digital gaps, especially digital knowledge gaps between and within countries, is unsustainable.

4. Informed citizens are critical for meaningful discourse and decision-making in any democratic society. Digital, media and information literacy play a significant role in equipping citizens with the necessary skillsets to take full advantage of the digital eco-system. DMIL provides individuals with the required resources and tools to evaluate information sources, detect misinformation, and become more discerning consumers of digital content.

Mr. President,

5. My government’s “Digital India” flagship initiative aims at using digital technologies for good governance, sustainable and inclusive development, and social and political inclusion. Based on technology that is affordable and accessible, this initiative has significantly improved the lives of our citizens,especially women. To further our efforts towards universal digital inclusion, we launched the National Digital Literacy Mission in 2014, and the Prime Minister’s Rural Digital Literacy Campaign in 2017, covering 60 million households. Acknowledging the importance of digital literacy, the Supreme
Court of India has declared the right to access the Internet as a fundamental right, making it part of the right to privacy and the right to education in our Constitution.

Mr. President,

6. We believe that the design, development, governance and use of digital and other emerging technologies should be shaped by democratic values and respect for universal human rights. We are committed to the development and use of digital technologies with tangible benefits for society, developed through a multi-stakeholder approach that is adaptive, dynamic, and aligns with universal values, including respect for the right to freedom of expression and
