Statement by India on behalf of LMG countries under Agenda Item 6: General Debate at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 3 October 2023 Statement by India on behalf of LMG countries under Agenda Item 6: General Debate at the 54th Sessio..

Statement by India on behalf of LMG countries under Agenda Item 6: General Debate at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 3 October 2023

Statement by India on behalf of LMG countries under Agenda Item 6: General Debate at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 3 October 2023

Mr. President,

   India has the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Like-Minded Group of countries. The list of supporting States will be updated on HRC Extranet.

  2. GA resolution 60/251 entrusted the Human Rights Council with the mandate to undertake the UPR as a unique peer-to-peer review of the fulfilment by each State of its human rights obligations and commitments.

  3. We are of the view that the UPR, which has now successfully completed its first three cycles with 100% participation by States in each cycle, has emerged as the most successful mechanism of the Council, achieving the objectives that it set out to. It has been conducted in a cooperative and interactive manner with the full involvement of the concerned State. It has led to improvement of the human rights situation on the ground; sharing of best practices; provision of technical assistance and capacity-building in consultation with, and with the consent of the concerned States; and enhanced cooperation for the promotion and protection of human rights.

  4. The present process and modalities of the UPR enjoy universal support. They ensure active participation of all relevant stakeholders and accord due consideration to the concerned State in the outcome of the review, especially in its implementation. We appreciate the facilitative role of the OHCHR in the review process. The UPR must continue to be an intergovernmental process, Member-driven and action-oriented, conducted in an objective, transparent, non-selective, constructive, non-confrontational and non-politicized manner. It must also continue to duly take into account the level of development and specificities of countries. We are not in favour of any attempt to tinker with its format.

  5. The unprecedented and multiple crises that the world has been faced with over the last few years, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical conflicts, have led to setbacks to the human rights agenda, especially in the countries of the Global South. There is serious need to enhance States’ capacity and provide technical assistance, in consultation with, and with the consent of the concerned State, especially for better implementation of the outcome of the review. Adequate resources must be allocated to the UPR Voluntary Trust Fund and the UN Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the UPR to enable them to support the States throughout the review process. While considering such capacity-building and technical assistance measures, the recommendations that enjoy the support of the concerned State must be focussed upon. This would further strengthen the mechanism and lead to the desired impact on the ground.

I thank you.

List of countries that supported the above statement is as under:

1. Egypt

2. Singapore

3. Venezuela 

4. Saudi Arabia

5. South Africa 

6. Cuba

7. Syrian Arab Republic

8. Malaysia

9. Belarus

10. Iran

11. Yemen

12. Bangladesh

13. Lao People’s Democratic Republic

14. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 

15. Cambodia

16. Philippines

17. Sri Lanka

18. Nepal

19. Ethiopia

20. China

21. Thailand

22. Viet Nam

23. India