Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Bahamas at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September – 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 2 October 2023

 Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Bahamas at the 54th Session of H..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Bahamas at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September – 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 2 October 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 6: Adoption of UPR Outcomes of Bahamas at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September – 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 2 October 2023

Mr. President,

    India warmly welcomes the delegation of Bahamas for the adoption of the report of the Working Group on its 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review held on 3 May 2023.

2. The review saw active participation with 84 delegations taking the floor and making a total of 233 recommendations. We appreciate the constructive engagement of the delegation of Bahamas during the entire review, which reflects the strong commitment they attach to the UPR process.

3. We appreciate that as many as 162 recommendations have been accepted by Bahamas, including 2 recommendations made by us.

4. India had welcomed the measures taken by Bahamas on climate change mitigation and adaptation, including the recently adopted legislation on disaster risk management.

5. While recommending the adoption of their UPR report, we congratulate the delegation of Bahamas on a successful review and wish them success in their efforts for implementing the accepted recommendations.

I thank you.