Statement by India under Agenda Item 5: Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council

(11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 28 September 2023 Statement by India under Agenda Item 5: Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 5: Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 28 September 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 5: Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee at the 54th Session of Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Mr. Mohammed Hussain K.S., First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva, 28 September 2023

 Thank you, Mr. President,

 1.  We thank the Advisory Committee for its valuable work during the year, providing research-based advice and diverse perspectives to the Council, and bringing a wide range of human rights issues to the Council’s attention, especially emerging topical themes relevant to member States.

2.  We note the Committee’s Report on the impact on human rights of new technologies for climate protection. We strongly believe that the international community needs to forge committed and comprehensive partnerships to harness and harmonize new technologies, policies and financing mechanisms to collectively address climate change challenges; and to develop affordable, accessible and adaptable solutions for climate protection. With this view, India launched the International Solar Alliance, jointly with France, in 2015; and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure in 2019.

3.  We also note the Committee’s report on advancement of racial justice and equality. As a country which has suffered a long period of colonization, India has borne the detrimental impact of racial discrimination. Since our independence, our civilizational values of being a multilingual, multireligious, and multicultural polity and society, have been enshrined in our Constitutional guarantees of equality and explicit prohibitions against any kind of discrimination, including on account of race.

Mr. President,

4.  My delegation would like to again express appreciation for the excellent work being done by the Advisory Committee, and reiterate our firm commitment and support to it.

I thank you.