Statement by India under Agenda Item 4 - General Debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention at the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by  Dr. P.R. Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva, 26 September 2023 Statement by India under Agenda Item 4 - General Debate on human rights situations that require the ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 4 - General Debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention at the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Dr. P.R. Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva, 26 September 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 4 - General Debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention at the 54th Session of the Human Rights Council (11 September - 13 October 2023) delivered by Dr. P.R. Thulasidass, Under Secretary, Geneva.
26 September 2023

Thank you Mr. President, 

  As we are aware, COVID19 pandemic has caused a huge setback to our efforts to promote and protect human rights of the people globally, particularly the economic, social and cultural rights due to lack of progress in realization of SDGs. Further, enjoyment of human rights by people globally has continued to be adversely impacted by global challenges such as terrorism, violent extremism, climate change and digital divides.

  2. While faced with the task to redouble its efforts to promote and protect human rights globally, the discourse within the Council, unfortunately, has been politicized and polarized. India strongly believes that the Council needs to function in a cooperative, non-confrontational and non-politicized manner. The deliberations in the Council under this Agenda Item have not been productive and conducive to realization of the intended goals of promotion and protection of various human rights. We have also seen a lack of commitment to building consensus on issues of vital importance to all member States as evident in the Council adopting resolutions with a support of less than 50% of its members States.

  3. We reiterate our concern at unnecessary perpetuation and proliferation of country specific mandates under this agenda item. We believe that the Council should focus on creating a conducive environment, both at the national and global levels, under which States are encouraged and enabled to fulfill their human rights obligations. 

  4. We believe that enhancement of State’s capacity through technical assistance and capacity building measures, in consultation with and with the consent of the States concerned, is the best way towards improving human rights situations globally. It is important that while rendering technical assistance and capacity building the priority is accorded to implementation of UPR recommendations accepted by the member States.

  5. As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of UDHR and the 30th anniversary of VDPA, we are reminded of the strong inter-linkage between the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and enjoyment of human rights. It is an opportune time to reaffirm the universality of human rights, which belong to the entire humanity and are indivisible, inter-dependent and non-hierarchical.  India has always attached equal importance to all the human rights – civil, political as well as economic, social and cultural. We attach a high priority to realization of the Right to Development in view of the enabling role of development in enjoyment of other basic human rights. 

  6. We hope that the Council and its institutions will work together constructively to realise the goal of global promotion and protection of human rights.

I Thank you, Mr. President.