Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food” at the 52nd Session of the Human Rights Council  (27 February – 4 April 2023) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, Geneva, 9 March 2023 Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Righ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food” at the 52nd Session of the Human Rights Council (27 February – 4 April 2023) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, Geneva, 9 March 2023

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food” at the 52nd Session of the Human Rights Council  (27 February – 4 April 2023) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary

Geneva, 9 March 2023

Mr. Vice President,

  1. My delegation takes note of the Special Rapporteur’s report and the recommendations made therein.
  1. India is running the world’s largest food-based safety net programme, which has seen a paradigm shift from welfare to a rights-based approach. To achieve targeted delivery during Covid-19, food assistance to 800 million people and cash transfers to 400 million people were provided by the Government. The Government has recently extended by one year the free foodgrain distribution scheme started in April 2020. India’s mid-day meal programme continues to tackle undernourishment in school children by ensuring provision of healthy meals.
  1. Even in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, India provided food aid in the form of thousands of metric tonnes of wheat, rice, pulses, and lentils to several countries, including our neighbourhood and Africa, to support and strengthen food security.

Mr. Vice President,

  1. We reject the unsubstantiated reference to India in the Report. India has robust laws like the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, to ensure that people impacted by development projects are adequately rehabilitated & resettled. It includes provision of housing sites, financial assistance, land equivalent to land acquired etc.
  1. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that India remains committed to ensuring the right to food for its citizens and will continue to play its due role in advancing global food security.

 Thank you.