Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: General Debate on the Oral Update by High Commissioner, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India [Geneva 7th March 2023] Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: General Debate on the Oral Update by High Commissioner, duri..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: General Debate on the Oral Update by High Commissioner, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India [Geneva 7th March 2023]

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: General Debate on the Oral Update by High Commissioner, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India[Geneva 7th March 2023]


Mr. Vice-President,

We take note of the oral update and thank the High Commissioner.  Since the constitutional changes in August 2019, there has been unprecedented progress in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, in taking democracy to the grassroots, enhancing people’s participation in political processes, providing good governance and security to the people and accelerating all round socio-economic development.  In this context, we regret the High Commissioner’s unwarranted and factually inaccurate portrayal of the human rights situation in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.  Let me reiterate that the matters pertaining to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are an internal affair of India and we do not see any role for the OHCHR in it. 

Mr. Vice-President,

As we celebrate 75th anniversary of UDHR and 30th anniversary of VDPA, it is an opportune time to reaffirm the universality of basic human rights, which belong to the entire humanity and are indivisible, inter-dependent and non-hierarchical.  India has always attached equal importance to all the basic human rights – civil, political as well as economic, social and cultural.  We attach a high priority to realization of the Right to Development in view of the enabling role of development in enjoyment of other basic human rights.

India’s approach to promotion and protection of human rights is based on our own experience as an inclusive and pluralistic society and a vibrant democracy with a secular polity. Our Constitution has enshrined basic human rights as fundamental rights. Our watchful Parliament, independent judiciary, vibrant media and proactive civil society have contributed to the enjoyment of human rights by our people.

With a view to ensuring enjoyment of basic human rights by our people, India has attached a high priority to provide good governance and realize sustainable and inclusive development. We have undertaken targeted policy initiatives to empower the marginalized and vulnerable sections of our society and to improve their access to education, housing, healthcare, social protection, other basic services, finances and employment.

Mr. Vice President,

India has always played an active role in global promotion and protection of human rights, including in the negotiation and adoption of the UDHR.  We have been supporting fellow developing countries in their efforts to fulfill their human rights obligations through our developmental partnerships. 

Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.