Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the SR on the situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva 6th March 2023] Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the SR on the situation of Human R..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the SR on the situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva 6th March 2023]

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive dialogue with the SR on the situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, during the 52nd Session of Human Rights Council (27th February – 4th April 2023) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of India

[Geneva 6th March 2023]

Mr. Vice President,

       We have taken note of the report of Special Rapporteur.

2. As a proximate neighbor, India has direct stakes in ensuring the return of peace and stability in Afghanistan. India has been a long-standing partner in development of Afghanistan, given our strong historical and civilizational linkages.

3. In response to the humanitarian needs of the Afghan people, India has supplied over 40,000 MTs of wheat, 60 tons of medical assistance, including essential lifesaving medicines, anti-TB medicines, 28 tons of disaster and relief material and half a million doses of COVID vaccines.

4. The approach of the international community on Afghanistan has been articulated in the UNSC Resolution 2593, which reaffirms the importance of upholding human rights, including those of women, and calls for full, equal and meaningful participation of women in sustaining and building on Afghanistan’s gains over the last twenty years.

5. India reiterates the importance of the establishment of an inclusive and representative government in Afghanistan that respects the rights of all Afghans and ensures the equal rights of women and girls to participate in all aspects of Afghan society, including access to higher education. We also urge the UNAMA to make all efforts to ensure that the rights of women, children and minorities are respected and preserved.

Thank you. Mr. Vice President.