EoV by India before the vote on consideration of the Resolution on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor (Geneva, 04 April 2023) EoV by India before the vote on consideration of the Resolution on the deteriorating human rights s..

EoV by India before the vote on consideration of the Resolution on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor (Geneva, 04 April 2023)

EoV by India before the vote on consideration of the Resolution on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, Counsellor
(Geneva, 04 April 2023)

Mr. President,

  1. India continues to remain concerned over the situation in Ukraine. The conflict has resulted in loss of lives and countless miseries for its people, particularly for women, children and elderly, with millions becoming homeless and forced to take shelter in neighbouring countries. We reiterate our grave concerns about the reports of attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.
  1. We have consistently advocated that no solution can ever be arrived at the cost of human lives. In this context, our Prime Minister’s statement that this cannot be an era of war bears reiteration. Escalation of hostilities and violence is in no one’s interest. Instead, an urgent return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy is the way forward.
  1. International principles and jurisprudence vest responsibility on parties to the conflict to ensure that civilians and civilian infrastructure are not targeted in situations of armed conflicts. The global order that we all subscribe to, is based on International Law, the UN Charter and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states. These principles must be upheld without any exception.
  1. The Ukraine conflict has caused impact globally. The conflict is exacerbating the concerns over food, fertilizer and fuel security, particularly in the developing countries. It is necessary for all of us to appreciate the importance of equity, affordability and accessibility to these critical commodities for the Global South.
  1. On our part, we are providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and economic support to some of our neighbours in the Global South under economic distress.
  1. We call for respect for and protection of human rights of people in Ukraine and reiterate our abiding commitment to global promotion and protection of human rights.

Thank you, Mr. President.
