Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 Interactive Dialogue on the Oral Update of the High Commissioner on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India (Geneva, 14 June 2022) Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 Interactive Dialogue on the Oral Update of the High Commissio..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 Interactive Dialogue on the Oral Update of the High Commissioner on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India (Geneva, 14 June 2022)

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 Interactive Dialogue on the Oral Update of the High Commissioner on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India (Geneva, 14 June 2022)

Thank you Mr. Vice President,

I thank High Commissioner for her oral update.

  1. As a country that shares a long border with Myanmar, continued instability in Myanmar is a matter of concern and has direct implications for India.
  1. As a long standing friend of the people of Myanmar, we have continued with our developmental and humanitarian assistance, including to Rakhine state. India has provided 10,000 tons of rice and wheat to Myanmar under grant assistance to alleviate the current food shortage situation. We have also given vaccines to Myanmar to mitigate the impact of Covid 19. The welfare and security of the people of Myanmar remains our utmost priority.
  1. We have emphasized India’s interest in seeing Myanmar’s return to democracy at the earliest; release of detainees and prisoners; resolution of issues through mutual dialogue, and complete cessation of all violence. We have expressed concerns over violence perpetrated by any side. Peaceful dialogue and reconciliation involving all stakeholders is the only way forward.
  1. As Myanmar’s democratic neighbour, India has been invested in strengthening the democratic process in the country since 2011. We are renewing these efforts for Myanmar to emerge as a stable democratic federal union.
  1. We have reaffirmed our strong and consistent support to the ASEAN initiative. We hope that progress would be made in a pragmatic and constructive manner, based on the five point consensus. We also call for a credible political process with participation of all stakeholders. India will work towards facilitating this larger objective.
  1. It is important that our ongoing efforts towards safe, speedy and sustainable repatriation of displaced persons from Bangladesh to Rakhine State of Myanmar are not undermined. We will continue to support endeavors of the Government of Bangladesh and build capacities in Rakhine State in Myanmar.

I thank you, Mr. Vice President