Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the Annual Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative (Geneva, 14 June 2022) Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the Annual Report of the High Commis..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the Annual Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative (Geneva, 14 June 2022)

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on the Annual Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the 50th Session of HRC (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative
(Geneva, 14 June 2022)

Madam Vice-President,

I thank the High Commissioner for presentation of annual report. My delegation deeply appreciates the work done by her and her Office, especially during the unprecedented and challenging times of Covid-19 pandemic.

Madam Vice-President,

While the pandemic has set back the human rights agenda and the progress made in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, it has also offered us the opportunity to build back better. Promotion and protection of all human rights, including the right to development, in a fair and equal manner, should be central to the initiatives of OHCHR. Greater emphasis should be placed on technical assistance and capacity-building, in consultation with and with consent of the concerned States, to bring about improvement in the human rights situation on the ground.

Madam Vice-President,

India, the largest democracy of the world, remains committed to supporting the Human Rights Council and its mechanisms to realise the shared goal of global promotion and protection of human rights. We are also committed to supporting the activities of OHCHR, including through financial contribution. We had made a voluntary contribution of USD 400,000 to OHCHR in 2021. On behalf of my delegation, I take this occasion to convey our best wishes to High Commissioner for her future endeavours.

I thank you.