Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, during the 50th Session of Human Rights Council  (13 June – 08 July 2022) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Geneva, 24 June 2022 Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the huma..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, during the 50th Session of Human Rights Council (13 June – 08 July 2022) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Geneva, 24 June 2022

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children at the 50th Session of Human Rights Council (13 June – 8 July 2022) delivered by Ms. Jagpreet Kaur, Under Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs,
(Geneva, 21 June 2022)

Madam Vice-President,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for presentation of her thematic report.

2. India has adopted a multi-pronged approach to address the complex issue of human trafficking in all its dimensions. India has a strong and effective legislative framework to address the issue of trafficking, including prohibition of bonded and child labour, protection of children and women from sexual exploitation, transplantation of human organs, and selling and buying for the purpose of prostitution.

3. India's anti-trafficking legislative framework is based on the bedrock of the Article 23 of the Constitution of India. With amendment of our Criminal Law in 2013, trafficking has been defined comprehensively and provisions have been made for stringent punishment for traffickers.

4. A number of schemes focusing on rescue, rehabilitation and repatriation of victims of trafficking have been instituted by the Government of India which address specific areas which are victim centric. Schemes like 'Ujjawala' meaning 'Bright Future' to facilitate rescue, rehabilitation and reintegration of the trafficked victims, even repatriation of cross-border victims to their country of origin, and Swadhar Greh to provide economic and social security for women victims of difficult circumstances, have been introduced.

5. Special drives, called Operation Smile, are conducted regularly for rescuing trafficked children. Portals like Track Child and Khoya Paya make innovative use of technology to track the missing and found children.

Madam Vice-President,

6. India stands firmly committed in combating the scourge of trafficking in persons, in all its dimensions and manifestations.

I thank you, Madam Vice-President.