Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children during the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February – 1 April 2022), delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India
 [Geneva, 15th March, 2022] Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children during the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February – 1 April 2022), delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 15th March, 2022]

Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against children during the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February – 1 April 2022), delivered by Ms. Seema Pujani, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India
 [Geneva, 15th March, 2022]

Mr. President, 

My delegation thanks the Special Representative for the presentation of her report.

  1. 2.The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the risks children face and has increased the need for their protection. It has made them susceptible to grave violations, particularly impacting their education, nutrition, safety and health of children. It is, therefore, important that Member States keep child protection concerns at the core of their pandemic response measures and recovery plans.

  2. 3.The Government of India has attached the utmost importance to the protection and promotion of the rights of children. Even during the pandemic, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has ensured development, care and protection of children through continued implementation of various policies and programmes. The foremost strategy adopted by the Government to handle nutrition schemes and services during the Covid-19 crisis has been the provision of supplementary food and rations at the doorstep of beneficiaries through rural child care centres and workers.

  3. 4.India has also enacted Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, to deal with sexual violence against children of all genders. This law was further strengthened in 2020 to provide stringent punishment, special courts as well as procedural measures to protect the child during investigation and trial. Ministry of Women and Child Development implements Child Protection Services Scheme which aims at reduction of vulnerabilities to situation and actions, that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children from parents. The Ministry has also developed a portal called Track Child to track missing and found children in India.

  4. 5.India is fully committed to ensuring that our nearly 500 million children live a life of dignity, in safety and with the right to protection against discrimination and exploitation.

I Thank you, Mr. President.
