Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food” at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February – 01 April 2022) delivered by

Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India

(Geneva, 14 March 2022)

 Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Righ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : Interactive Dialogue with “Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food” at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28 February – 01 April 2022) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 14 March 2022)

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food at the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council (28th February –1st April, 2022), delivered by Mr.S.Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India
 (Geneva, 14th March, 2022)

Mr. Vice-President,

We welcome the report of the Special Rapporteur focusing on seeds, right to life and farmers’ rights and recognize that right to food is inherently tied to farmers’ seed systems.

  1. 2.India was amongst the first countries to have passed the legislation on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act in 2001. The legislation provides for the establishment of an effective system for protection of plant varieties, the rights of farmers and plant breeders and to encourage the development of new varieties of plants

  2. 3.The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Authority (PPV & FRA), set up under this Act, has so far registered 1896 native Indian varieties of different crops enabling the farmer to commercialize these varieties. The Authority also encourages the community and individuals engaged in conservation, improvement and preservation of plant genetic resources by awarding those, who have played stellar roles in such activities. 

  3. 4.India’s National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) has conserved 94,609 native Indian varieties of different crops and trees in Gene Banks located in different States. 161 State Seed Testing Laboratories and six Central Seed Testing Laboratories are functioning in the Country. My Govt through several schemes like National Food Security Mission, National Mission on Edible oil-oil palm, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Mission on Integrated Development of Horticulture and Sub- Mission on Seeds and Planting Materials is making quality seed affordable and available to the farmers in timely manner.In order to ensure availability of native seeds and improve their usage by farmers., Indian Council of Agricultural Research is developing high yielding and multi stress tolerant varieties of different crop including cereals, millet, pulses, oilseeds and fruits suited to different agro-climatic condition. 

Mr. Vice-President,

  1. 5. In conclusion, India remains committed to ensuring the right to food and supporting the farmer seed systems in the country.

I thank you, Mr. Vice-President.