Statement by India under Agenda Item 9: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement agencies, during the 47th Session of Human Rights Council (21 June – 15 July 2021) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 12 July 2021) Statement by India under Agenda Item 9: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 9: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement agencies, during the 47th Session of Human Rights Council (21 June – 15 July 2021) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 12 July 2021)

Statement by India under Agenda Item 9: Interactive dialogue on the report of the High Commissioner on systemic racism, violations of international human rights law against Africans and people of African descent by law enforcement agencies, during the 47th Session of Human Rights Council (21 June – 15 July 2021) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 12 July 2021)

Madam President,

     We thank the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for her report on the systemic racism and take note of the four point agenda towards transformative change for racial justice and equality.

2.   Racism threatens harmony and stability in societies and undermines the value of tolerance and pluralism. As Gandhiji rightly said, “intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit”.

3.   India is a diverse, multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual society and we respect and celebrate our diversity. The Indian Constitution has enshrined safeguards against racism and racial discrimination and underlined the basic tenet of equality and expressly prohibits discrimination on account of race. These safeguards are further strengthened by our comprehensive legal framework with independent and impartial judiciary, a secular and pluralistic polity, a vibrant civil society and free media.

4.   Despite international efforts, there are still manifestations of racial discrimination and intolerance around the world. We share the concern at the increase in the number of racist incidents in several countries.

5.   We would like to reiterate our firm commitment to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and seek to create more effective measures to enhance its effective implementation. We believe that the 20th anniversary of DDPA will be an opportune time for States to take stronger measures on appropriate educational and legislative reforms to guarantee racial justice and equality.

I thank you, Madam President.
