Statement by India at the Virtual Presentation of OHCHR Annual Report 2020, delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India, [Geneva, 10th June, 2021] Statement by India at the Virtual Presentation of OHCHR Annual Report 2020, delivered by Ambassador ..

Statement by India at the Virtual Presentation of OHCHR Annual Report 2020, delivered by Ambassador Indra Mani Pandey, Permanent Representative of India, [Geneva, 10th June, 2021]

Madam High Commissioner,

I thank you for presentation of the annual report for 2020.  We appreciate the excellent work being done by your Office in promotion and protection of human rights, notwithstanding the unprecedented challenges posed by Covid-19 pandemic. We are thankful to you for your efforts to support new strategies, methodologies and human rights-based policies in pandemic responses by States, UN bodies, UN Country teams and other stake holders.

2. We also appreciate the efforts of your Office aimed at capacity building and technical assistance in different regions, especially during the pandemic, focused at alleviating negative effects, particularly on the vulnerable people and groups. We believe that, while considering such assistance, it is advisable to focus on the UPR recommendations accepted by the concerned States, with the aim to translate them into concrete outcomes. It will further strengthen the UPR process, encouraging and enabling the States to fully implement the recommendations accepted by them.

3. We note that your Office has taken steps, through its SURGE initiative, to strengthen the focus on the SDGs, economic, social and cultural rights and gender equality. The report also focuses on the efforts to promote rights based sustainable development goals. While attempting to interlink human rights with various pillars, particularly SDGs, we hope that equal importance is attached to the Right to Development. We believe that a coordinated international effort is required to ensure that the States establish, promote and sustain international arrangements that create an enabling environment for the realization of the right to development.

Madam High Commissioner,

4. We note the progress made in implementation of the Organizational Effectiveness Action Plans and the adoption of a new plan on Inclusion in 2021, with focus on addressing racial discrimination and promoting intersectional approaches in order to achieve gender equality and respect for diversity. We will welcome and encourage more such steps to achieve tangible results.

5. India had contributed USD 400,000 in 2020 and we are happy to inform that we would continue to support the activities of OHCHR with a similar contribution this year as well.

Madam High Commissioner,

6. In conclusion, I would like to assure you of our full support and cooperation in fulfillment of your mandate. India remains committed to meaningful engagement with the Council in forging consensus on realization of its goals. And we remain fully committed to constructive engagement with your Office in global promotion and protection of human rights.

Thank you, Madam High Commissioner.
