National Statement of India for INS/11 Bangladesh. Delivered by Ms. Garima Paul, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva (22nd March, 2021) National Statement of India for INS/11 Bangladesh. Delivered by Ms. Garima Paul, First Secretary, Pe..

Discussions under Institutional Section
 Agenda item INS/11:

Complaint concerning non-observance by Bangladesh of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention,1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)

National Statement
341st Session of the Governing Body of ILO
Delivered by Ms. Garima Paul, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva (22nd March, 2021)

Mr. Chair,

We thank the Office for the background information on this agenda item, and note with appreciation the comprehensive response provided by the Government of Bangladesh against the allegations made in the complaint.

  1. We are encouraged to learn that pursuant to the decisions taken by the 340th Session of the Governing Body of the ILO, the Government of Bangladesh has taken comprehensive steps to address the issues raised in the complaint. The Government of Bangladesh has already submitted a draft roadmap to the ILO for 2021- 2025 to further strengthen employment and labour market policies. This roadmap, which includes concrete steps to directly benefit the workers, is a product of extensive tripartite consultations by the Government of Bangladesh with ILO, workers’ group representatives including from the International Trade Union confederation (ITUC) and employers’ group representatives including from the International Organization of Employees (IOE).
  2. The Government of Bangladesh has demonstrated its strong commitment towards ensuring the rights of workers and building a better, safer workplace for workers. Like any other developing country, Bangladesh has also borne a disproportionate economic impact of the COVID19 pandemic. To mitigate this adverse economic impact of the pandemic on workers, both in the formal and informal sector, the Government of Bangladesh has provided significant financial resources to ensure welfare of the workers and their family members.
  3. We strongly believe that the Government of Bangladesh should be supported in its endeavour towards employment and labour reforms to make a difference on the ground in the lives of the workers and labourers, especially in the wake of the constraints placed by COVID19.
  4. Appreciating the strong commitment demonstrated by the Government of Bangladesh to continue to work closely with ILO and the social partners in further promoting labour rights in the country and taking note of the roadmap which is in the process of being finalized to address all concerns alleged in the complaint, we recommend early closure of the case.
  5. We wish the Government of Bangladesh all success in its endeavours.

Thank You, Chair.