National Statement of India for INS12-Myanmar. Delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary National Statement of India for INS12-Myanmar. Delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary



Discussions under Institutional Section

Agenda item INS/12:

Progress report on the follow-up to the resolution concerning remaining measures on the subject of Myanmar adopted by the Conference at its 102nd Session (2013)

National Statement

340th Session of the Governing Body of ILO

(Delivered by: Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary)

(Geneva, 7 November, 2020)

Mr. Chair,

We thank the Office for the background document on this agenda item and take note of Progress Report of the Director-General on Myanmar. We appreciate the efforts made by the government of Myanmar on labour related issues in recent years, as is also reflected in the DG’s report.

2. The report mentions a number of positive steps taken by the government of Myanmar including progress made in the implementation of Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) and establishment of a National Complaints Mechanism (NCM) on eliminating forced labour.


3. The government of Myanmar has demonstrated a strong commitment for eliminating forced labour and promoting and protecting labour rights in the country including through a new Action Plan on the Elimination of Forced Labour. We encourage the ILO to continue to provide technical assistance to Myanmar.


4. We are encouraged to learn that the Government ratified the Convention 138 (Minimum Age Convention) in June 2020, in these difficult times of COVID-19.


5. We believe that the ILO and the international community should continue to support the government of Myanmar in its efforts to strengthen employment and labour market policies, especially in addressing Covid-19 challenges that workers are facing at present.


6. We wish the government of Myanmar all success in its endeavours.


I Thank you, Mr. Chair.
