Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November 2020): 3rd UPR of the United States of America - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Pawan Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 09 November 2020] Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November..

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November 2020): 3rd UPR of the United States of America - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Pawan Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 09 November 2020]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 36th Session (02-13 November 2020): 3rd UPR of the United States of America - Interactive Dialogue, delivered by Shri Pawan Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India [Geneva, 09 November 2020]

Madam President,

India extends a warm welcome to the delegation of the United States and thanks the delegation for its comprehensive presentation.

2. We acknowledge the USA’s efforts to eliminate racial injustice and use of excessive force in policing and their acceptance that more needs to be done to ensure fairness to all citizens.

3. We recommend the following to the USA:

  1. Consider early ratification of International Conventions relating to the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) and the convention on the rights of Child (CRC).

  2. Consider establishing a national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles

  3. Strengthen the legislations with regards to elimination of racial injustice and killings resulting from gun violence.

  4. Continue reinforcing legislations to eliminate all forms of gender discrimination in employment and ensure equal pay for work of equal value at workplaces. 

4. We wish the delegation of the USA success in its endeavor.

Thank you, Madam President.
