Statement by India at Virtual presentation of OHCHR annual report 2019, delivered by  Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India [Friday, 05 June 2020, Geneva]

Statement by India at Virtual presentation of OHCHR annual report 2019, delivered by Ambassador Ra..


Statement by India at Virtual presentation of OHCHR annual report 2019, delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander,

Permanent Representative of India [Friday, 05 June 2020, Geneva]

Madam High Commissioner,

I would like to thank you for the presentation of this very elaborate and detailed annual report for 2019. We hope that future annual reports would be more streamlined.

Madam High Commissioner,

2. We appreciate OHCHR’s work on capacity building and technical assistance in different regions. We encourage that the work of OHCHR continue to be guided by the recognition of the fact that all human rights are equally important.

3. We understand that OHCHR has taken steps to strengthen the focus of human rights essentially on the SDGs, prevention, economic, social and cultural rights and gender equality including establishment of task forces. We would like to know the rationale of focussing only on these issues and the linkage with the prevention agenda of the UNSG. It is our firm belief that the core mandate of the OHCHR is promotion and protection of all human rights.

4. The annual report seems to be amiss when it comes to activities undertaken on promoting the Right to Development. While attempting to interlink human rights with all pillars, particularly SDGs, we can’t lose sight of the importance of the Right to Development in the scheme of human rights.

5. It is reiterated that the Right to Development and sustainable development concepts are not synonymous. It is proposed that the next OMP should, after broad consultations, have a focus on the Right to Development.

6. We note the efforts of OHCHR’s Organizational Effectiveness Action Plans and appreciate the steps taken for enhancing the geographical distribution of its staff. We further encourage more steps to achieve tangible results in this regard.

7. Finally, OHCHR under the Communications and Public Mobilization Section seems to be undertaking significant efforts towards branding the Office. While steps taken for enhancing global awareness of human rights are welcome, its quite disconcerting that OHCHR would presume media or social media coverage is synonymous with its achievements. We reposed our faith in OHCHR so that it could work towards making positive impacts on ground in the field of human rights. This tangible impact cannot be equated with the number of articles or the buzz generated in the social media on a particular issue it focuses on. This should be the work of news agencies.

Madam High Commissioner,

8. One delegation continues its mis-information campaign on an internal matter of India that has consistently gained no traction in the HRC. This may please be taken note of.

Madam High Commissioner,

9. We extend our full support and cooperation in the fulfillment of your mandate.

Thank you, Madam High Commissioner.
