Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : ID with Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 21 September 2020) Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : ID with Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human ri..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 3 : ID with Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by

Mr. S. Senthil Kumar, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India

(Geneva, 21 September 2020)

Mr Vice-President,

We thank the Independent Expert for presentation of her maiden thematic report to the Council on significance of data for realization of human rights of the older persons. We would like to take this opportunity to assure the Independent Expert of our full support and cooperation in discharge of her mandate. We have taken note of the recommendations contained in the report.

2. We agree with the Independent Expert that comprehensive, meaningful and reliable data fosters essential knowledge about the needs of older persons and creates the conditions for assessing the effectiveness of existing measures.

Mr Vice-President,

3. We would like to inform this Council, that earlier this year, Government of India formulated a comprehensive National Action Plan for Senior Citizens (NAPSrC), with the aim to create an ecosystem where all Indians can age gracefully and live a life of dignity, with focus on concerted and synergised action on the existing and emerging needs of the senior citizens.

4. The National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), an autonomous body, has been tasked to be the resource centre on senior citizens in India and aimed at providing comprehensive and scientific knowledge base on various aspects relating to geriatric care.

5. Additionally, the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act of 2007 provides state support for financial and food security, health care, shelter and protection against exploitation. It makes a legal obligation for children and heirs to provide maintenance to senior citizens and parents.

6. India remains fully committed to support the Independent Expert in fulfilment of her mandate.

Thank you, Mr Vice-President.
