Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 6 October 2020), delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, [Geneva, 16 September 2020]

Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Contempo..

Statement by India under Agenda Item: 3 Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 6 October 2020), delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, [Geneva, 16 September 2020]

Mr. Vice President,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for presentation of his maiden report to the Council on impact of COVID-19 pandemic on contemporary forms of slavery and slavery-like practices. We would like to take this opportunity to assure the Special Rapporteur of our full support and cooperation in discharge of his mandate. We have taken note of the recommendations contained in the report.

2. We agree with the SR that the unprecedented crisis caused by COVID-19 has affected all segments of the population on a global scale, but the social and economic consequences of the outbreak have been particularly detrimental to those who were already in vulnerable situations before the crisis.

3. We have taken note of a couple of references made in the report to the situation of internal migrant workers, workers in informal sector and on labour laws in my country. We were not consulted by Special Rapporteur before making these references and therefore did not have the opportunity to provide him with the necessary information. We firmly believe that specific references to a State in context of a global problem and that to in a thematic report should be best avoided or should be made after prior consultations with the State concerned to make a factual and objective assessment.

4. We have provided detailed and comprehensive information to the Special Procedures Mandate Holders on the various steps taken by the Government of India for the welfare of workers in particular internal migrants during the current pandemic. We would be happy to share our detailed response with the Special Rapporteur.

5. The guiding motto of India’s COVID 19 response has been ‘Jaan bhi, Jahan bhi’ with focus on saving both lives and livelihoods. To facilitate safe return of migrant workers special transport arrangements were made to their native places during the preventive lockdown. The Government of India announced a US $ 22 billion relief package ‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana’ to help poor, in particular migrant workers. The scheme, inter-alia, provides all basic amenities to the migrant workers including free food grains and cooking gas. It also provides for livelihood opportunities in areas witnessing large number of returnee migrant workers by providing funds to build durable rural infrastructure. Further, specific guidelines have been issued to various stakeholders to address the psychological issues among migrant workers.

6. India remains fully committed to support the SR in fulfilment of his mandate and has contributed USD 50,000 to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery.

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.