Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID with HC on COVID-19 at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 14 September 2020) Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID with HC on COVID-19 at the 45th Session of the ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID with HC on COVID-19 at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 14 September 2020)

Madam President,

We thank the High Commissioner for her update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human rights. The pandemic has caused unforeseen disruptions and has posed enormous and unprecedented socio-economic challenges. No country has remained untouched.

2. India has based its COVID-19 strategy on the mantra ‘Jaan bhi, Jahan bhi’ i.e. focus on saving lives as well as livelihoods. Continuing on the path to ramping up our capacities, securing the needs of poorest citizens and future proofing our society, India was among the first few countries to create a responsive system of lock downs; in launching public awareness campaigns about social distancing and use of face masks. We have been able to upscale, in record time, our health infrastructure, including COVID hospitals, ICU capacities and testing facilities.

3. We have emerged as the second largest manufacturer of PPE kits in the world. We have been deploying indigenously developed digital tools for contact tracing and to predict emerging hotspots. We have managed to keep our fatalities at one-and-a-half per cent, for we responded by – Coming together not growing apart; Collaboration not Confusion; Preparation not Panic.

4. Further, fulfilling the basic needs and welfare of the most vulnerable of our society has been our top priority. Prime Minister’s Garib Kalyan Package has set out US$ 22 billion to alleviate the situation of the poor and vulnerable, including farmers and labourers, comprising food relief measures for 800 million persons, LPG cylinders to 80 million poor households, etc. Funds have already been transferred through direct cash transfer schemes to 28 million poor senior citizens, differently-abled people, and indigent widows.

Madam President,

5. Recognizing the global impact of this pandemic, India has sent medical supplies to over 150 nations, mostly as grants. The universality of human needs has guided our collective action. I conclude by reaffirming that India remains committed to being inclusive and non-transactional in collaborating with other stakeholders in a collective quest to develop solutions to manage the crisis and to recover from the unprecedented impact of Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you, Madam President.
