Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID on HC Report on Myanmar at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 14 September 2020) Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID on HC Report on Myanmar at the 45th Session of ..

Statement by India under Agenda Item 2 : Enhanced ID on HC Report on Myanmar at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council (14 September – 06 October 2020) delivered by Mr. Pawankumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India (Geneva, 14 September 2020)

Madam President, 

We take note of the High Commissioner’s report and her oral remarks.

2. India believes that there is a need to continue constructive and fruitful engagement with Myanmar and to recognize Myanmar’s efforts towards implementation of the Annan Commission recommendations. India notes Myanmar’s continued engagement with the UN SG’s Special Envoy and the progress made on the Quick Impact Projects under the Myanmar, UNDP and UNHCR tripartite agreement, despite the constraints of the covid-19 pandemic.

3. India has been following a humanitarian approach to the Rakhine issue. We have been assisting Rakhine state through the Rakhine State Development Programme (RSDP) – which includes US$ 25 million grant assistance to Myanmar over a period of 5 years to implement socio-economic projects in the region pertaining to housing, education, power and water supply etc. In order to synergize our efforts with our other development partners in Myanmar, we are also working with Japan for establishing soft infrastructure.

4. We have also implemented humanitarian measures in Bangladesh. In all, 5 tranches of immediate relief assistance have been provided. We stand committed to do more.

5. As the only land neighbour of both Bangladesh and Myanmar, India has the highest stakes and abiding interest in early resolution of the issue. We remain committed towards ensuring a safe, sustainable and speedy repatriation of displaced persons from Rakhine State, currently in Bangladesh, to Myanmar, based on the understanding reached between the two countries. We will continue to support efforts in this direction.

Thank you, Madam President.
