General comments by India on the resolution on Elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members during  44th Session of the Human Rights Council (30 June – 21 July 2020) delivered by  Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India [16 July 2020, Geneva] General comments by India on the resolution on Elimination of discrimination against persons affecte..

General comments by India on the resolution on Elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members during 44th Session of the Human Rights Council (30 June – 21 July 2020) delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India

[16 July 2020, Geneva]

Madam President,

It may be noted that discrimination, stigma and prejudice against persons affected by leprosy and their families are the obstacles to total elimination of leprosy. As per a WHO report, though the number of leprosy cases has steadily declined worldwide, an estimated 200000 cases continue to be reported every year. If detected early, leprosy is 100% curable and it does not necessarily cause disability and deformity.

Madam President,

2. Total elimination of leprosy would require, inter-alia, empowering persons affected by leprosy and putting their human rights at the centre of all leprosy elimination programmes and policies. India, while pursuing for total elimination of leprosy, is combatting against discrimination faced by affected persons. We have repealed two old discriminatory legislations in this regard.

Madam President,

3. As reported by the SR on Leprosy, persons affected by leprosy and their family members continue to face obstacles in being equal members of society. The prejudice and discrimination stem from misinformation and lack of knowledge on the disease throughout the world. As such, we are of the view that the Human Rights Council could facilitate in creating awareness about their human rights, combating all forms of discrimination against them as well as promoting their involvement in all national policies.

Madam President.

4. The resolution under consideration envisages these objectives while tasking the SR to continue her constructive engagements and annual reporting with all relevant stakeholders particularly States in accordance to her mandate.

Madam President,

5. In this context, India has become a member of the core group of this resolution from this year and seeks support from all to adopt the resolution by consensus. The discriminations faced by persons affected by leprosy and their families need our attention in the context of leaving no one behind.

Thank you, Madam President.