Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 4 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2019) delivered by Ms. Mini Devi Kumam, First Secretary on 12th March 2019. Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 4 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 Fe..

Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 4 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2019) delivered by Ms. Mini Devi Kumam, First Secretary on 12th March 2019.


Second Right of Reply by India under Agenda 4 at the 40th Session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2019) delivered by Ms. Mini Devi Kumam, First Secretary on 12th March 2019.

Mr. President,

    India is forced to exercise its second right of reply.

2. The pluralistic democracy of India is mature enough to address any issues including those instigated from outside. India is a secular State and safeguarding the rights of minorities forms an essential core of our polity. What minorities receive in Pakistan are blasphemy laws, systemic persecution, discrimination, denial of basic rights and freedoms, enforced disappearances and killings. The extent of religious discrimination is reflected in the loss of life, liberty and property on the mere accusations of blasphemy laws. Pakistan today stands out as the country having more cases of blasphemy than the rest of the world put together in the past few years.

3. Pakistan consistently misled the world regarding its involvement in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir starting from its aggression in 1947 and stationing its large troops in the Pakistan occupied territories in violation to the international laws. India rejects any false narratives by Pakistan on the UN resolutions on Kashmir as it has been its habitual tendency towards all other international obligations including UN sanctions on terrorists.

4. Pakistan has the infamous distinction for hosting and being patron to 132 UN-designated terrorists and 22 terrorist entities. Despite its public commitment in January 2004 not to allow its soil or territory under its control for terrorism against India, Pakistan continues supporting terror attacks against India, the latest being the Pulwama terror attack last month. India has been repeatedly urging Pakistan to take action against Jaish-e-Mohammad and other UN proscribed terror organizations and prevent Jihadis from being trained and armed inside Pakistan.

5. Pakistan has to introspect on its own dismal human rights situations rather than spreading menace of terrorism to its neighbours.
