Statement by India on General Debate under Agenda Item 4 : 
Interactive Dialogue  with SR on Myanmar in the 41stSession of the Human Rights Council ( 24 June – 12 July 2019), delivered by 
Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India, 
 (Geneva, 02 July 2019) Statement by India on General Debate under Agenda Item 4 : Interactive Dialogue with SR on Myanmar..

Statement by India on General Debate under Agenda Item 4 : Interactive Dialogue with SR on Myanmar in the 41stSession of the Human Rights Council ( 24 June – 12 July 2019), delivered by Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India, (Geneva, 02 July 2019)

Statement by India on General Debate under Agenda Item 4 :
Interactive Dialogue with SR on Myanmar in the 41stSession of the Human Rights Council
( 24 June – 12 July 2019), delivered by
Ambassador Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India,
(Geneva, 02 July 2019)

Mr. President,

We thank the SR for her oral update.

2. The social situation in Myanmar in general, and Rakhine State in particular, is complex and multi-dimensional. We are concerned by an increasing tendency to take a segmented view of the challenges Myanmar faces and to dictate prescriptive solutions. We have repeatedly emphasized that the only sustainable solution to the problems Myanmar is facing in Rakhine State in particular lie in efforts to promote socio-economic development. This is why India, and other partners are working to create the basis of socio-economic development among all communities in the region.

3. Unfortunately, the overall tone of the message of the SR, and the recommendations offered, undermine the references in the report that do acknowledge positive developments in Myanmar.

Mr. President,

4. We need to ensure that financial assistance and help in kind continues to be provided to Bangladesh, as we have been doing since the beginning of the crisis. The way forward must be to encourage the implementation of the agreement between Myanmar and Bangladesh for the repatriation of persons verified to have been displaced from Rakhine State. We welcome the extension for another year of the tripartite agreement between Myanmar, UNDP and UNHCR to assist the repatriation process, and we urge a greater effort to help emphasize the importance of starting the process of repatriation at the earliest.

Mr. President

5. Advocating and threatening Myanmar with punitive action, including referring it to the ICC either by the Security Council or by certain States will generate exactly the opposite result that we need to see. As regards Myanmar’s lack of cooperation, it is relevant to note that the Special Envoy of the Secretary General has visited Myanmar five times, as have other senior officials of the UN. Indeed, we welcome the decision of the SESG to open an office in Nay Pyi Taw.

Mr. President

6. We are concerned at the SR’s approach to making recommendations that have an impact on Bangladesh’s society and governance. The implications of such an approach need careful consideration.

Thank you, Mr. President.
