Statement by India on Agenda Item 3: Clustered Interactive Dialogue with WG on discrimination against women and WG on TNCs in the 41stSession of the Human Rights Council ( 24 June  12 July 2019), delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 27th June 2019) Statement by India on Agenda Item 3: Clustered Interactive Dialogue with WG on discrimination agains..

Statement by India on Agenda Item 3: Clustered Interactive Dialogue with WG on discrimination against women and WG on TNCs in the 41stSession of the Human Rights Council ( 24 June 12 July 2019), delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 27th June 2019)

Statement by India on Agenda Item 3: Clustered Interactive Dialogue

with WG on discrimination against women and WG on TNCs in the

41stSession of the Human Rights Council ( 24 June – 12 July 2019),

delivered by Mr. Vimarsh Aryan, First Secretary,

Permanent Mission of India, (Geneva, 27th June 2019)


Mr. Vice President,

India thanks both the Working Groups on the presentation of the reports. We note observations by the Working Group on discrimination against women that multiple forms of restrictions result in deprivation of women’s liberty. India has already taken actions on some important recommendations suggested in the report.

2. In addition to the ongoing efforts for enhancing economic and political participation of women in India, a National Policy for Women is under consideration. The objective of the policy is enabling women to attain their full potential and participate as equal partners in all spheres of life. Under this policy, existing legislations relating to women will be harmonized in accordance with Constitutional provisions and international commitments, in order to enhance their effectiveness.

3. India notes the focus of the report of the Working Group on TNCs on gender dimensions of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. India has taken steps in streamlining of gender perspective in its business policies. The Companies Act of 2013 mandates companies to spend at least 2% of their profits on socially beneficial activities including promotion of gender equality, empowerment of women and providing shelter for the needy. Certain companies are also required to appoint at least one woman director on the board.

Mr. Vice President,

4. In order to mainstream gender diversity across sectors and all levels of governance, Government of India adopted Gender Budgeting as a tool in 2004‐05. Gender Budgeting entails dissection of the Government budgets to establish its gender differential impacts, and to ensure that gender commitments are translated into budgetary commitments.

5. India has issued national guidelines on responsible business conduct and is already in the process to bring out a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.

Thank you, Mr. Vice President