General Statement of India at the 23rd Session of the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) [20th to 24th May 2019] delivered by Mr. Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary on 20th May 2019 in WIPO, Geneva
Thank You Mr. Chair,
At the outset, India would like to align itself with the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group.
Mr. Chair,
We also congratulate you and the two Vice-Chairs for your election. We are confident that under your able and experienced stewardship, this Committee will make good progress in this session. We also thank the WIPO Secretariat for their efforts in the preparation of documents and organization of this session of the CDIP.
Mr. Chair,
India congratulates the WIPO Secretariat for the successful convening of the International Conference on IP and Development yesterday. The discussions were rich and insightful with experienced panellists. However, we would request the Secretariat to ensure that the list of speakers has a balance of representation from all geographical regions in the future conferences.
Mr. Chair,
We look forward to the discussions on the Director General’s Report on the implementation of the Development Agenda and the report on WIPO’s contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and its associated targets.
In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, India would like to emphasize that the Sustainable Development Goals are universal, integral and indivisible in character. Hence, each and every SDG is fully relevant to the scope of WIPO’s activities.
Mr. Chair,
We look forward to the discussions on the Secretariat’s proposal on ‘Modalities and implementation strategies for the adopted recommendations of the independent review and options as regards the reporting and reviewing process’. The proposal makes some valuable suggestions.
On technical assistance, we thank the Secretariat for the prototype of the web-forum on technical assistance. Technical assistance needs to be focussed, uniform and not lead to duplicity.
Mr. Chair,
India looks forward to the discussions on the proposal submitted by the Russian Federation on “IP and Development in the digital environment’.
Mr. Chair,
India reiterates that for a balanced and effective international IP system, it is imperative that we take a holistic view of its impact.
Thank You.