Statement by India delivered by Dr. D. C. Katoch, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, on Agenda item 19 ‘Report on the IGC’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 27th September 2018. Statement by India delivered by Dr. D. C. Katoch, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, on Agenda item 19 R..

Statement by India delivered by Dr. D. C. Katoch, Advisor, Ministry of AYUSH, on Agenda item 19 ‘Report on the IGC’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 27th September 2018.

Thank you Mr Chair

We extend deep appreciation to the WIPO Secretariat for having prepared and presented a very comprehensive report of IGC work. We would like to align with the statement of Asia Pacific Group and appreciate the efforts of IGC Chair.                        

Mr Chair,

2. The delegation of India believes that there is a need to expedite consolidating the intended provisions for Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions and Folklore. In this regard, we would like to emphasize the importance of both codified and non-codified    forms of Traditional Knowledge, particularly related to healthcare and medicine. Mr Chair, we understand IGC has made significant progress in its last three sessions and we appreciate the IGC work done so far. India strongly believes that different approaches are required to effectively address the IPR issues of codified and non-codified traditional knowledge. Therefore, the intended legal instrument should contain appropriate provisions accordingly in a holistic and inclusive manner and it should factor in the principles of disclosure of TK source, prior informed consent and equitable access & benefit sharing based on mutually agreed terms & conditions.                      

3. We are hopeful that the IGC will make forward progress on these aspects for a logical outcome in accordance with the methodology adopted in the past by the IGC Chair, which was agreed upon by consensus.

Thank you Chair