Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, on Agenda item 18 ‘Report on the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 27th September 2018.
Mr. Chair,
India commends the Report Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) and Review of the Implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations in respect of the last three sessions of the CDIP.
2. India strongly believes that for a balanced and effective international Intellectual Property system, it is essential that we take a holistic view of its impact. We need to factor in both the benefits of IP with respect to fostering innovation as well as the costs it entails on the ability of developing countries and LDCs in meeting their socio-economic developmental concerns.
Mr. Chair,
3. In this context of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, India would like to emphasize that WIPO’s role cannot be confined to specific number of SDGs. WIPO should cover them all in a comprehensive and holistic manner. The SDGs are universal, integral and indivisible in character.
4. We appreciate the inclusion of IP and Development as an agenda item in the CDIP. We also appreciate the decision of the 21st Session of the CDIP to discuss SDGs under this agenda item in the next session of the CDIP.
Mr. Chair,
5. India is positive that the discussions on WIPO Technical Assistance in the area of Cooperation for Development would bring uniformity, better organization and clarity to existing processes and practices. We welcome the decision of the Committee to convene at the next session an interactive dialogue on Technical Assistance.
6. India supports the proposal of the Africa Group to convene a biennial conference on IP and Development.
Mr. Chair,
7. We also look forward to the discussion at the 22nd Session of the CDIP on the subject “Women and Intellectual Property” under the agenda item of IP and Development.
Mr. Chair,
8. The discussion on transfer of technology in this Committee is very important. The issue remains under discussion since decades without any concrete headway. Hence we need to discuss this subject with an action-oriented approach in the upcoming sessions of the CDIP.
7. India looks forward to constructive discussions under this agenda item.
Thank You Chair