Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, on Agenda item 11(ii) ‘Report by the External Auditor’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 25th September 2018. Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India,..

Statement by India delivered by Shri Animesh Choudhury, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India, on Agenda item 11(ii) ‘Report by the External Auditor’ at the occasion of 58th Series of the Meetings of the General Assembly of WIPO on 25th September 2018.

Mr. Chair,

India would like to thank the External Auditor of WIPO- the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for its report.

2. The report is comprehensive and was submitted in a timely manner providing ample opportunity for Member States to examine and deliberate on it.

Mr. Chair,

3. India would like to thank the External Auditor for the consistent meticulous work in making useful recommendations. We welcome the efforts of WIPO and compliment the organization for the unqualified opinion of the External Auditor for the Financial Year ending 31st December 2017. We commend WIPO for accepting most of the recommendations of the External Auditor and would urge the Secretariat to work towards early closure of all recommendations particularly with respect to the Madrid System.

4. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India as an External Auditor has a rich experience in undertaking audit of various international organizations and has received worldwide praise. It maintains the highest degree of professional standards, competence and trustworthiness in its work.

Mr. Chair,

5. Before concluding, India would like to congratulate the National Audit Office of the United Kingdom for its election as the next External Auditor of WIPO.

Thank You Chair