Statement by India on the Agenda Item on Limitations and Exceptions at the 36th Session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) [May 28 to June 01, 2018] delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary on 30th May 2018 in WIPO HQ, Geneva.
Thank you Mr. Chair,
1. At the outset, India would like to align itself with the statement delivered by Indonesia on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group.
2. The delegation of India believes that limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives, for educational and research institutions and for persons with other disabilities are extremely important. We understand that while the protection of intellectual property rights is crucial for the right holders, we would like to emphasize that at the same time IPRs are seen as drivers of access to knowledge worldwide.
Mr. Chair,
3. India supports the promotion of a balanced copyright regime that gives creators their due while at the same time ensures an environment to learn, create and innovate by all.
4. Attainment of right to Education and access to knowledge to all should be the guiding principles for our work on Exceptions and Limitations.
5. It is also necessary that libraries and archives are able to work internationally, in the interest of international research and cultural heritage.
6. We acknowledge the progress made on the discussion on all topics on the exceptions and limitations for library and archives.
Mr. Chair,
7. We would like to commend the efforts of the Chair for preparing the Draft Action Plans for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Persons with Other Disabilities i.e. document SCCR/36/3.
8. We appreciate the efforts in the Draft Action Plan to bring the subject of limitations and exceptions on libraries, archives and museums under one head instead of taking them up separately. However, we believe that the action plan needs to be further refined. It is essential that the action plan, besides encouraging activities like sharing of past experiences, undertaking scoping studies and seminars among others should also provide direction towards an eventual consensus-based and harmonized outcome document on limitations and exceptions.
9. The prepared Action Plans along with the document SCCR/34/9 on Chair’s informal chart on exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives needs to be studied and discussed intensively.
Mr. Chair,
10. The delegation of India looks forward to engaging and constructive discussions on the same.
Thank You.