Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda Item 2: Oral Update by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [19 June 2018, Geneva]  Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) o..

Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda Item 2: Oral Update by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [19 June 2018, Geneva] 

Statement by India at the 38th Session of the Human Rights Council (18 June to 06 July, 2018) on Agenda Item 2: Oral Update by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivered by Ambassador Sh. Rajiv K. Chander, Permanent Representative of India. [19 June 2018, Geneva] 

Mr. President,

We are dismayed at the High Commissioner’s reference to a fallacious and motivated report that has already been rejected by India. This selective compilation of largely unverified information, aimed at promoting a false narrative, distorts the truth.

2. It should be a matter of deep concern for the Council that this report undermines the UN-led consensus on terrorism and in fact, legitimises terrorism by referring to the UN designated terrorist entities as “armed groups” and calling terrorists “leaders”. Surely, the Council cannot be oblivious of this attempt to legitimise terrorism, which remains the pernicious violator of all fundamental rights. 

3. Mr President, the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan is in forcible and illegal occupation of a part of the Indian state. We condemn all references in this report which seek dismemberment of India.

4. Our governments, elected through free and fair elections, are sworn to protecting the Constitution that is the bedrock of all our freedoms. It is the cross border terrorism that seeks to muzzle the voices of our people. The last week's gruesome assassination of a senior journalist and his security officers, silencing a voice of moderation, and abduction and brutal killing of a soldier while on his way home for Eid in Jammu and Kashmir, are its chilling reminders.

5. We, therefore, urge the Council to:

reject all efforts to  legitimise terrorism, subvert UN led consensus on terrorism, and  undermine the credibility of this august Council, and

unequivocally condemn terrorism and its perpetrators; and

reject the report.

 Thank you.