Statement by India at the 71st World Health Assembly (21-26 May 2018) on Agenda Item:11.7 on Preparation for the Third High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases to be held in 2018
Thank you Chair
India would like to Align itself with the statement delivered by Timor Leste on behalf of SEARO region.
India has adopted the NCD Global Monitoring Framework to its national context and has developed the 'National NCD Monitoring Framework and Action Plan'. India has also developed a National Multi-sectoral Action Plan (NMAP) to guide efforts towards attaining the national NCD targets based on four strategic areas-Integrated and Multi-sectoral Coordination Mechanisms; Health Promotion; Health Systems Strengthening; Surveillance, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research.
Mr. Chair
In our new National Health Policy released in 2017, we have envisioned providing accessible, affordable and quality healthcare to all citizens and have committed to lay more focus on promotive and preventive components of healthcare.
The Government of India has recently launched Ayushman Bharat i.e. Long Live India . It is a comprehensive programme integrating preventive, primary, secondary and tertiary care. Under the Comprehensive Primary Healthcare Programme module of Ayushman Bharat, we have initiated Population Level Intervention for Prevention, Screening, Control and Management of NCDs.
Mr. Chair
We are implementing National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) under National Health Mission (NHM).
Affordable Medicine and Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) pharmacies have been set up across 22 states for making available medicines for Diabetes, CVDs, Cancer and other disease at discounted prices to the patients. More than 5200 drugs and other consumables are sold at an average 50% discount.
Demerit goods such as tobacco products, sugary drinks and HFSS foods are placed in the highest slab under the new Goods and Services Tax. India is a leader in tobacco control regulations with 85% pictorial warnings on cigarette packets.
India would participate proactively in 3rd High-level meeting on NCDs in New York. We are optimistic that the discussions at this meeting will bring more pragmatic ideas and solutions to tackle the challenges of NCDs and pave the path for its prevention and control.
Thank you.