Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 27th Session (1-12 May 2017) on Progress on SDGs, their Indicators and Monitoring Strategies : 3rd UPR of India. [Geneva, 4 May 2017] Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 27th Session (1-12 May 2017)..

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 27th Session (1-12 May 2017) on Progress on SDGs, their Indicators and Monitoring Strategies : 3rd UPR of India. [Geneva, 4 May 2017]

Statement by India at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group 27th Session (1-12 May 2017) on Progress on SDGs, their Indicators and Monitoring Strategies : 3rd UPR of India. [Geneva, 4 May 2017]

1. Thank you, Chair. I would now apprise about the progress made for achievement of SDGs by India. The national development agenda of India is mirrored in the Sustainable Development Goals. Government of India has mapped out all the Central Ministries, National Missions and centrally sponsored development programmes with respect to each specific Sustainable Development Goals and related targets. Nodal Ministries have been identified for all the Sustainable Development Goals to support and coordinate the implementation.

2. National Consultations on all the SDGs have been held. Representatives from the Central Ministries, State Governments, Local Governments, International Organizations, Academia, Civil Society Organizations as well as Research Institutions participated in these consultations and workshops.

3. National Indicators corresponding to the Global SDGs and targets are at advanced stage of finalization by the Government of India through a wider consultation with all the stakeholders. Government of India is also preparing a 15 year Vision Document along with 7 year Strategy and 3 year Action Plan to guide all development efforts in the country to go even beyond the targets envisaged under SDGs.
