Statement by India at the 41st UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) Meeting on Agenda item 5:Update on actions to reduce stigma and discrimination in all its forms, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary. [WHO HQ, Geneva,13th December 2017] Statement by India at the 41st UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) Meeting on Agenda item 5:Up..


Statement by India at the 41st UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) Meeting on Agenda item 5:Update on actions to reduce stigma and discrimination in all its forms, delivered by Sh. Animesh Choudhury, Second Secretary. [WHO HQ, Geneva,13th December 2017]


Thank you Mr. Chair and we appreciate the informative presentations deliv­ ered on actions to reduce stigma and discrimination in all its forms.

2.  India fully supports the idea of taking AIDS out of isolation,and building link- ages and synergies to strengthen the response to India's national programme.

3.  India fully realises the importance of ending all forms of discrimination and enabling full participation of people living with HIV in our AIDS response. In sync with this spirit, India has passed the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Ac­ quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act,2017 in April this year. One of the main reasons such a law was required in India is that HIV/A IDS has been associated with a lot of stigma and discrimination.

4.  The Act states that,there should be no discrimination on any grounds includ­ ing denial or discontinuation of employment, education,healthcare services, renting or residing property, public or private office, insurance and public facilities. Unfairtreatment in any of these categories by anyone will be seen as discrimination, invit­ ing action.

5.  Though discrimination has diminished over the years due to gover nment ef ­ forts and contribution of civil society, it's still prevalent. The new law will go a long way in ending this discrimination.

Mr Chair

6.  India stands committed to take every possible step to end all forms of dis- crimination & stigma associated with people living with HIV.

Thank You.